Plastic Shed was created to provide more opportunities for people from different backgrounds to work together in a meaningful way. Our aim is to support people, from all walks of life, in working together to reuse our plastic waste.

Plastic is an amazing material that we can reuse locally. We're not just talking about putting your plastic in the right bin - we mean actually turning it into something you will find useful again. By reducing the amount we waste and reusing it for our own benefit we can help create a more equal and sustainable society.


We know that there can be lots of barriers to living a sustainable lifestyle. We aim to share our knowledge, skills, tools and equipment to make it more accessible for people to join the fight against plastic waste. An education of the head, hand and heart.
Our workshops support people to safely play and experiment with plastic. We recognise that everyone has creative potential with the right support. It's also a fantastic way to take care of your mental wellbeing and open your mind to new ideas.

We run creative, educational plastic recycling workshops.
These are now being run online.

We turn plastic waste into new, useful things. From clipboards for schools out of milk bottle lids, to planters for restaurants from out of date vinyl banners. If you have something in mind get in touch and we can chat through ideas and designs.

We run free, open-to-all drop in sessions for local people to come and turn their plastic waste into new things. These are currently taking the form of free online video tutorials for anyone to access.


Caitlin Owner and CEO of Plastic Shed
Caitlin's journey with plastic waste began at University where she studied Interactive Art. Knowing she wanted to create pieces that had an environmental impact she began focusing her work on creating educational pieces, as well as everyday objects, made from plastic waste. In her final year she produced a childrens book with a storyline on the dangers of plastic within the environment, creating the book entirely from recycled plastic bags.
As well as being a Co-Director of the Plastic Shed, Caitlin owns a Garden Design business, combining her love of art and the natural world.
Camilla former Director
She has started focusing her career around wellbeing, environment and creativity after years of travelling and inspiring experiences around the world.
Based currently in Manchester, she is the Production Manager of a Natural Skincare & Superfoods Independent Business and now, co-director of Plastic Shed, she is also a facilitator of workshops that aim to bring people together, raise awareness and tackle the shared problem of plastic waste through creativity and education.
Promoter of healthy and happy living, her work mainly focuses in helping people to make conscious choices that will bring a positive impact on their communities, themselves and the environment.

Rachel Founder of Plastic Shed.
She spent the first 8 years of her career as a filmmaker, working for organisations such as The British Red Cross and Epilepsy Society, sharing stories to raise awareness of social issues. Inspired to do more to fight for social justice in the UK, Rachel enrolled on to the Year Here post-graduate programme for Social Innovation in 2018. The programme allowed her to test and develop ideas to tackle social issues in the UK, working on the front-line in a North London community centre and Age UK activities centre. As a result of her experiences Rachel founded Plastic Shed at the start of 2019.